Summer Super Camp

Summer Super Camp is a camping event for family 3'2022 to increase your social skill, soft skills, and to increase your awareness about the nature. You should join this camping event because there will be a lot of activities that can help you to boost your self-esteem. You can refresh your mind, take a break from your daily hectic activities, get along with the nature, and make new friends.

Time and Place

Summer Super Camp will be held on Saturday 18 July 2020 - Sunday 19 July 2020 at Pine Forest camp site, Suntenjaya, Lembang.


1. Cooking Competition
Each group has to cook and make a special dish. The group should make 1 portion for the judge and they can make for them self. The judge will take 3 winners for the best dish.

2. Hiking
Each group should go trough the hiking track to 5 stations. Each group should collect stars as much as they can. The winner will be announced at the end of the event.

3. Bonfire night
All group will be gathered at the bonfire place. All participants can take a grilled corn, a sweet corn, marshmallow, and sausages that are prepared by the committee or they can bring chips. Each group should prepare one play and they present it in front of everyone. The best play will be announced at the end of the event.

SSC Committee and Division

The Chief Committee

Division of Event
Division of Public Relations
Division of Equipment
Division of Security
Division of Documentary

For more information, please contact Cika (Line ID:haniapra | 081221547792)
See you at Summer Super Camp!


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