
Showing posts from 2019

My OST experience

or·gan·i·za·tion /ˌôrɡənəˈzāSH(ə)n/ An organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially in business, society, association, etc. The action of organizing something. In my school, there are 2 organizations, the first one is OSIS, and the second one is PK. I joined a cadre of PK at school. the cadre title is  Organization Skill Training. In this cadre, we will learn about so many soft skills that we should have, such as team work, leadership, time management, public speaking, problem solving, and decision making. Beside of that, we will learn about discipline, how to be agile, responsible to your actions, how to be brave, speak loudly, and many more. I will tell you my story, my experience while joining OST. I was a normal highschooler back then. I wasn't really interested in joining an organization. But, when I entered 3 Senior High School, everything seems amazing. I found that organizations in this school are different from the organization f


Jellyfish are the informal common names given to the medusa-phase of certain gelatinous members of the phylum Cnidaria. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Cnidaria Class: Scyphozoa Order: Semaeostomeae Family: Cyaneidae Scientific name: Cnidaria Cubozoa Jellyfish are boneless animals that float freely through the world's oceans. They live in coastal areas. There are a lot of kinds of jellyfish in the world, they can be found in all shapes and sizes. There are proximately 2,000 different species of jellyfish. The most common one is the big and colourful jellyfish found in warmer coastal areas. There are four types of jellyfish that are categorized by their shape and the way they behave. Actually, jellyfish are not real fish but instead they are classed in a special group. The body of jellyfish is made up of a non-living jelly-like substance called mesoglea. This jelly is surrounded by a layer of skin that is just one cell thick. The body 90% is made of water. Jellyfish have te

R. A. Kartini The Heroine

"Sometimes, you should go through hardship first before the complete happiness comes to you." - R. A. Kartini  Raden Adjeng Kartini was an Indonesian national heroine from Java.  She is known as the pioneer of the rebirth of the indigenous women in Indonesia. She was born on 21 April 1879, Jepara, Indonesia. She came from a noble family.  Kartini was the daughter of R.M. Sosroningrat and  M.A Ngasirah. She was the eldest daughter among her sisters from her biological mother. Before she was 12 years old, she was allowed to go to school in ELS (Europese Lagere School) and there, Kartini learned Dutch and she could speak Dutch fluently. But when she was 12 years old, she had to quit studying because "Pingit". "Pingit" is a rule of Javanese custom that prohibit woman to go outside before she is married. Kartini decided to gather books and magazines and she read them in the garden. Therefore, reading became her hobby and she did not go a day without re


Summer Super Camp Summer Super Camp is a camping event for family 3'2022 to increase your social skill, soft skills, and to increase your awareness about the nature. You should join this camping event because there will be a lot of activities that can help you to boost your self-esteem. You can refresh your mind, take a break from your daily hectic activities, get along with the nature, and make new friends. Time and Place Summer Super Camp will be held on Saturday 18 July 2020 - Sunday 19 July 2020 at Pine Forest camp site, Suntenjaya, Lembang. Activities 1. Cooking Competition Each group has to cook and make a special dish. The group should make 1 portion for the judge and they can make for them self. The judge will take 3 winners for the best dish. 2. Hiking Each group should go trough the hiking track to 5 stations. Each group should collect stars as much as they can. The winner will be announced at the end of the event. 3. Bonfire night All group w

Reason Why I Cannot Join WT

Assalamu'alaikum wr. wb. The World Tournament event will be held on Saturday, 24 August 2019, but unfortunately I, Hania Pracika from X Science 4, cannot join World Tournament event. This is a tough choice between keeping a commitment promised long time ago and a now obligation. The STEI ITB Family Gathering event was scheduled early this year, long before I was enrolled as a student in 3 Senior High School Bandung. And this event is always in weekend. I have promised to participate, as have hundreds of other big family members of STEI ITB. Now I find out that every Saturday I have to attend an obligatory activity in the school. As English proverb says, life is about choice. However though, I have to make it. I chose to keep my promise that I made earlier. Keeping promise is one of important character. Knowledge is power, but character is more, right? This is a concrete example of how character should be put in practice. I have to make a wise decision. I have made an appointme


Humans can feel a lot of emotions, such as happiness, surprise, fear, sadness, nervousness, anger, disgust, and many more. But some excessive emotions can make our body uncomfortable or even worse. So now I'm going to discuss about anxiety. I want to share my story and opinion. Maybe there are a lot of people who cannot speak out loud about this thing, just like me. But now, I will try it. I want to overcome my fear. Let's begin. Anxiety is a feeling of worry, but that feeling is too much until we cannot handle that feeling. We are being controlled by that feeling. I'm sure everyone has their own fear and worry in their heart. Anxiety can attack anyone: kids, teenagers, and adults. For kids, maybe some of them are scared of spider, darkness, storm, and many more. For adults, their fear become more realistic, such as scared to speak in front of many people, worried about exams score, scared to make mistakes, scared to socialize, and many more.  Not all of you, but ma

The Lodge Maribaya

Lembang. Natural. Mountains. Trees. Green. Scenery. Beautiful. Have you ever been to The Lodge Maribaya? If you haven't, you should go there immediately! The Lodge Maribaya is located near Lembang, regency of West Bandung. It is one of the best holiday destinations in Lembang area. There are a lot of activities that you can do in this site, such as camping, strolling around, team gathering, taking picture, and enjoying the culinary. The Lodge Maribaya is a good place for camping because this place provide complete facilities for the campers. The camp site is very comfortable for family events. At the restaurant, they provide so many delicious sundanese cuisines. Eating delicious food while admiring the scenery, what a wonderful time! For taking picture, there are a lot of amazing photo sites: hydraulic hot air balloon, zip bike, non-flying hand gliding, sky swing, sky tree, and bamboo sky. There will be a professional photographer who will take the photos for

Congratulations Conversation

Cinta: Hi Hania! How's it going? Hania: Hi Cinta, I'm doing well. What's up? Cinta: I have something to tell you, I won the biology competition! Hania: Oh my God! Congratulations! You've worked really hard. You deserve it. Cinta: Thank you. Hania: What did you do in the competition? Cinta: I did some presentation, I answered many questions, and many more. Hania: Was it difficult? Cinta: It was very difficult but I still won. Hania: What did you get? Cinta: I got trophy and money. Hania: You should treat me someday okay? Cinta: Okay. By the way, you are going to join an English competition too, right? Hania: Yes, it will be held at 3 Senior High School but I'm afraid that I cannot win. Cinta: Don't think like that. I'm sure you can win. Hania: But there will be people that are better than me. Cinta: If you do your best, so you are the winner. Hania: Yeah, I wish I was as confident as you. Oh! I got the highest score at physics exam! Cint

About Me

Welcome! Hi everyone! Thank you for coming to my blog! Now, I'm going to introduce myself. My name is Hania Pracika Rosmansyah. You can call me Hania. I was born on Saturday, 11 December 2004. I was a student of Junior High School 2 Bandung and now I'm a student of Senior High School 3 Bandung. My hobby is reading comics. I love to learn new languages such as English, Korean, Germany, and Japanese. It's very challenging for me and it's kind of amazing to understand another languages beside Indonesian. I have been learning English since elementary school. I have been learning Korean since junior high school. I hope I can speak English and another languages fluently. I often spend my time by myself, so I like to read comics and books. I often read non-fiction books, books that can help me change to be a better person. I achieve so many benefits from reading books. For comics, it's a book, it can be an e-book or a real book, but the topics are not really serious.