My OST experience

  1. An organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially in business, society, association, etc.
  2. The action of organizing something.

In my school, there are 2 organizations, the first one is OSIS, and the second one is PK. I joined a cadre of PK at school. the cadre title is  Organization Skill Training. In this cadre, we will learn about so many soft skills that we should have, such as team work, leadership, time management, public speaking, problem solving, and decision making. Beside of that, we will learn about discipline, how to be agile, responsible to your actions, how to be brave, speak loudly, and many more.

I will tell you my story, my experience while joining OST.

I was a normal highschooler back then. I wasn't really interested in joining an organization. But, when I entered 3 Senior High School, everything seems amazing. I found that organizations in this school are different from the organization from my middle school. Both organizations are really amazing. They worked really hard, perfectionist, and well-mannered. Every event they held is always neat, the members have their own charisma, and I want to be one of them!

The first announcement of OST, the committee said that there should be 10 delegations from each class to join the event. But, before that, I was hesitating myself "Should I join this? Can I go through all of this?" My first impression was "Whoa, we are forced to join this? And how about my class?" I was kind of lazy because I don't want to sacrifice my time, busy all the time, overwhelming task from academic and organization. For your information, In 3 Senior High School, there will be so much homeworks, you will be super busy, some people should attend course,  and they need to take a rest too. I would take a hard time in managing my time if I joined an organization. Although I hesitated myself, I ended up joining the cadre, and I didn't regret my choice. I'm so happy that I decided to join an organization because it's a proof for myself that I can overcome my fear. I came out from my comfort zone.

In the beginning, I don't really know what does PK's members do, what will happen after I join this cadre.

On the first day, the seniors wanted us, the participants, to gather on Sunday morning in Lapang Bali. I met my classmate Raptanta, my friend Adinda, and more. Other cadres and I did a morning run. After that we played games, such as traffic lamp games, guess the move, and group games. We had a lot of fun! And each game has their own essence. We learned that we should know each other, we should have a great communication with each other, and teamwork. We moved to 3 Senior High School. The alumni told us about teamwork and leadership. On this day, we had our first evaluation. Our first task was to make a prototype book and the deadline was two days.

On the second day, different alumnus came and told us about time management. I learned that there is a way to manage something, it's POACE. It means Planning, Organizing, Actuating, Controlling, and Evaluating. Ways to manage our time, first, we should set a goal, what are we going to do. Next, we should make a plan. After that, we should make priority list. Don't forget that we should know our own limits, we shouldn't overwork ourself because we will end up didn't complete our goal. Next, we should be discipline and responsible. And the last step, we should evaluate our work. I learned about Mangkus and Sangkil. On this day, we had evaluation time. We made a mistake because we haven't finished our task: prototype.

On the third day, another alumnus gave presentation and told us about problem solving, decision making, and public speaking. The steps to solve a problem, first: we should analysis "is it a real problem or not?", second: we do observation, third: we solve the problem. For public speaking, the alumnus said we should master our topic. We had evaluation time (again) in the end of the day. Our mistake was: we were not agile and some of us haven't finish the prototype.

On the fourth day, we only had quiz. The quiz is about mathematic, Indonesian language, and other academic-themed questions. Thankfully we didn't get any evaluation that day. I felt something off and unusual but that's okay. At least I didn't get any mental pressure.

On the fifth day, we only had quiz (again) but with different topics. On this day, the questions were about topics that have been told by the alumnus. Questions about definition of leadership, teamwork, how to manage your time, how to solve a problem, and case study. This day was same like fourth day, we didn't get any evaluation.

On the sixth day, actually last day of OST, was the day for us proof ourself to the seniors that we are a real family. Our task was to make a creation that cannot be broken if we throw that thing, and it should have essence. Most of the day was evaluation. Even it was tiring, on the end of the day, the seniors introduce them self one by one, and they gave us pizza! It was very tiring but pizza in the end boosted my mood.

After I went trough all of those day, I got a secret letter from the senior: I was accepted to be a cadre of PK 66. I was super happy that day. I couldn't stop smiling! The letter said, if you accepted this letter, you should come on Sunday, at 08.05 am sharp. Shouldn't come too early or late. I was very excited without knowing what will happen on Sunday.

On Sunday, I went to SMA 3 and met the senior at 08.05 am sharp. The senior wanted me to give my phone without password and my watch. And then, the senior closed my eyes with blindfold. The senior brought me to X Science 3. I knew that my other family members were there too. It was silent, but then....
"SISWAAAA!!!" said the seniors. And so, we had our evaluation. in the morning. The seniors were mad because one of us made another multiple chat and told the secret to others. The seniors wanted us to give the secret letter, then they ripped the secret letter. I was sad but I had to be strong. After we had our first evaluation, the seniors told us to open our blindfold. I opened my eyes, I saw on the whiteboard "Welcome to PK 66!" and the seniors wrote our names too. We shared stories with seniors, after that they told us to use the blind fold. We moved to another room, and then we met the alumnus. They told us everything about PK, PK's vision and mission, the divisions in PK, each division task, and many more. After that, we moved to "aula lama". There, the 11th grade seniors said "Now, we will release you."

We closed our eyes again, after a command, we open again our eyes. In front of us, already standing 12th grade seniors. I was shocked. I was getting nervous. They asked us, "Is there any of you know our name?" and then nobody answers. The seniors got mad. I know some of them, but only 2 people. Adin helped us by answering almost all of them. So, they were mad to us.

We moved to X science 3, and then I knew that is a place for us to wait. Each of us will be sent to a room. When it was my turn, I was confused at the begin because I don't know where is X science 7. I asked to the scary senior, and then the senior sent me to X social 1. I got more confused but I found the room.

I knocked the door, I opened the door. I saw two female seniors in the room. And after I entered the room I had my solo evaluation. FYI, because of solo evaluation in the room, I feel traumatized to meet the seniors. I still can imagine the high tone of the seniors on my ears. After solo evaluation, the scary senior srcreamed, "Every one should go to 'aula lama' in 15 seconds. starts, NOW. ONE! TWO!.." and we all started to run. In "aula lama" we had our biggest evaluation. It was already afternoon, we all were tired, and the seniors still evaluating us. There are two types of person if they are tired. First one, will lose focus. Second one will lose patience. I lost my focus, I couldn't answer some questions. One of my family member, Raptanta, lost his patience, he exploded, he ended up got angry to the seniors. That day was very wild. After we done our proof, everything was done, we made a circle, holding hands, and said some sentences. Our parents were there too. It was very heartwarming. I cried. Now, the cadres are already official to be PK members.

It is a very long journey. And I know, there are still many boundaries waiting for us. I hope, PK family members will get closer each day, we will be together for 2 years, and we will go through anything together. I hope this adventure will never ends. It is such a special memory for me. I didn't regret joining this event.

Do you have any story about joining an organization? Tell me your journey!


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