
Showing posts from November, 2019

My OST experience

or·gan·i·za·tion /ˌôrɡənəˈzāSH(ə)n/ An organized body of people with a particular purpose, especially in business, society, association, etc. The action of organizing something. In my school, there are 2 organizations, the first one is OSIS, and the second one is PK. I joined a cadre of PK at school. the cadre title is  Organization Skill Training. In this cadre, we will learn about so many soft skills that we should have, such as team work, leadership, time management, public speaking, problem solving, and decision making. Beside of that, we will learn about discipline, how to be agile, responsible to your actions, how to be brave, speak loudly, and many more. I will tell you my story, my experience while joining OST. I was a normal highschooler back then. I wasn't really interested in joining an organization. But, when I entered 3 Senior High School, everything seems amazing. I found that organizations in this school are different from the organization f